Marked Deck Playing Cards

You’ll want your markings to be simple to read and look natural. This isn’t easy when using the more off-the-spot methods for marking your cards such as tintwork or juice mark.

This is possible using an array of already-prepared markers. One of the best options is Penguin Magic’s reader deck. It features a an adorable Bicycle Maiden back design and offers instructional videos as well as amazing routine suggestions.

How to protect yourself from Being a victimized by your opponents

If you suspect that a deck might be marked it’s generally acceptable to request a brand new one – however, only if you’re confident that the people running the game aren’t in on the issue. Otherwise, they’ll confront you with anger and try to convince you that nothing is wrong with the present cards.

You can stop this type of fraud by using a large transparent protector for your card each when you play. It’ll be harder for your opponent to get an unnoticed card into your game without you noticing. It will also protect you from common cheating techniques, such as shooting at angles and pot-slamming.

Another thing you could do is to discuss marked cards in a subtle manner when the subject is brought up. A majority of people haven’t encountered marked cards before and think they are discussing an esoteric trick that doesn’t involve them. It’s a way to stop people from getting paranoid and thinking that all games are rigged. It’ll also give them a chance to avoid this subject entirely and not build their expectations too high.

Making Card Tricks Using Marked Decks

Marked decks can be a useful tool for any magician. It will help you to perform’miracles’ that are impossible with standard decks, and it also provides you with a cushion when your trick doesn’t run as it was planned. However, you should be cautious about the way you choose to use the deck that is gimmicked, and choose only those tricks that make the most of the marks.

A marked deck of playing cards is often a collection of hidden markers which the magician can identify by looking at the reverse side. The markings can be subtle, blending seamlessly into the overall design of the cards. For instance, the back of a card might have patterns that indicate its value or the suitability. Cards can have intricate patterns or symbols which are difficult to read if one does not have having a solid understanding of the magic of cards.

An excellent place to begin is with a printed factory reader deck, such as Penguin Magic’s “Bicycle Marked Cards”. These cards are poker-sized and are made from Bicycle Elite that gives them smoothness. Two downloads are included, which can teach you some excellent techniques to apply to this deck. Once you’re confident using this deck, you’re ready to explore other marked decks. You can find a lot of information on the internet to show you how you can accomplish with an engraved card.

Using the marked Decks in Magic Routines

Many marked decks have accompanying instructional videos that don’t just show you how to read markings, but also provide you some great routine ideas. For instance Penguin Magic’s Marked Cards comes with two great video tutorials which feature some excellent card trick concepts from Jon Armstrong and Rick Lax. There are many other books on the subject that offer suggestions of tricks and teach you how to utilize a particular marked deck. The best of them is Hidden in Plain Sight by Kirk Charles and Boris Wild however, it will require you to understand their reading system, and is only able to be used with their specific markings.

Some magicians make their own decks with marked markings employing different DIY methods, however it is usually very labor-intensive and requires a certain amount of experience. The most effective way to accomplish this is by buying a factory-printed reader deck with a clear marking system. Certain decks feature an innocent looking Bicycle Maiden-inspired back design while others are over the top in style and come with 3D glasses that allow you to see the markings from an extended distance!

Many magicians worry that they could be caught by their spectators by using a mark on their deck, but this isn’t different from being concerned about getting exposed to any other gimmick or sleight-of-hand technique. If you can manage your audience effectively and only reveal the deck marking when you need to and you’ll find that the majority of your audience won’t be able to deduce the secret.

Making use of marked decks in Magic Tricks

When it comes to performing card magic, marked decks offer an additional tool that can make many routines more powerful. The information about a card to control the card during a trick, or reveal it in an unexpected manner.

Ideally, your mark should be easy to read by magicians but hard to spot for viewers as well, and the mark should be located in a spot that is appropriate for your particular trick. For example, if you’re using a deck of Bicycle-branded cards, and the marker system requires you to read the design on the back, the markings must be located within an area that looks similar to the Bicycle logo on the back of the card.

Some magicians create their own marked decks using an electronic reader or coded marks, however this is often time consuming and requires the expertise of a skilled magician. A professionally-designed marked deck will be more affordable and easy to use and you don’t need to worry about getting rid of your cards.

A few magicians are concerned about using a deck marked due to the fear that it will increase the risk of being caught by spectators. But the truth is that the risk is similar to any other gimmick or sleight of hand techniques. Everything depends on how you handle your audience and the tool and how natural the trick appears in your routine.